Fall Cocktails

Bourbon is my drink of choice…always has been.  Don’t get me wrong, I like other beverages. Tequila, rum, vodka, and gin all have a place in my liquor cabinet.  I have even been known to drink a beer or two, and I do like my wine…but bourbon is my go-to. Hands down, bar none. 

I suppose it’s a nod to my hometown, Frankfort, where some of the best bourbons on the market are distilled and have been for more than two centuries.  Anyone who has ever spent any time at all in Kentucky’s capital city knows that bourbon, good bourbon is always in production.  The sour mash lingers in the morning air.  Some may disagree, but it's a unique aroma that is special–or at least it is to me.

I drink bourbon year-round but there’s something about this time of year that makes bourbon even more special to me.  Maybe it has to do with football season and tailgating parties, which began in college. Maybe it has to do with the fact that bourbon looks like fall with it’s brownish-red hue. Maybe it’s because its rich, deep flavor really does warm the soul (in more ways than one!) 

My Favorite Fall Cocktails

And now that autumn is upon us, it’s time to start thinking fall entertaining.  Tailgates, gatherings with good friends around a fire pit, and it’s not to early to start thinking about the holidays.  You know how quickly things roll after Halloween–which is about two weeks away.   It’s time for me to begin planning, and the first thing I usually do is review my fall beverage recipes to see which ones will make the cut this year, which ones I can make into big batches for a crowd, and which ones I want to experiment with in the curious kitchen!

Hot Toddy

The weather has changed so quickly from hot to cold that the first cocktail on my list is a Hot Toddy.  If this doesn’t warm you up, nothing will.  It’s perfect for these dreary, gloomy, gray, rainy days we’ve had lately. It’s also perfect if you are coming down with a cold or cough.  Decades ago, people swore that a sip of two of a very strong hot toddy was the cure for the common cold.  It probably didn’t cure it but it probably did make you feel a little better.  The steaming bourbon Hot Toddy is just so comforting, and it couldn’t hurt.


Another fall favorite bourbon cocktail featuring the flavors and fruits of the season is the Bartlett.  This pear-infused cocktail will soon make it to the top of your favorites list for fall.  Mix in your favorite Kentucky bourbon, add a splash of sweet cinnamon syrup, and serve it over ice.  Garnish with a thinly sliced Bartlett Pear.  It not only tastes delicious, it looks like autumn in a glass.

Bourbon Sangria

I love making batch cocktails, our Bourbon Sangria can also be converted into an autumnal cocktail by switching out the strawberries with your favorite pear slices. Experiment around with the apple slices, too.  This is the ideal adult beverage for a tailgate party or a holiday soiree. It can easily be doubled or tripled–and it can even be made ahead of time because its fabulous flavors only get better with time.

Pair up these fall favorites with some classic In the Curious Kitchen Pecan Cheese Wafers or Figgy Piggies in a Blanket and you’re all set.  The flavors all go so well together. 

Old Fashioned

I wouldn’t even consider a fall cocktail article if I didn’t at least mention the Old Fashioned.  If I had to pick an all-time signature cocktail, this would be the one.  I always keep the ingredients on hand, just in case the mood strikes or friends pop in for a visit. If you’re not familiar with the Old Fashioned, we can help. Our Old Fashioned Cocktail Kit was one of my flagship products and it’s a very popular item year round–but especially during the gift-giving season. I have been experimenting with different fall flavors this year and you should, too.  

The Old  Fashioned is an easy cocktail to switch up the flavors.  It’s a simple recipe; bourbon, sugar, and bitters.  You can always switch out the sugar for syrup or trade up bitters to add a curious twist.  This autumnal season I have had some fun with some interesting flavors.  A Pumpkin Old Fashioned simply replaces the sugar with a pumpkin spiced syrup, which is so easy.  Just make a simple syrup recipe using ½ cup water, ⅓ cup brown sugar, two cinnamon sticks, two cloves, a little fresh ginger, a pinch of ground nutmeg, and ⅓ cup canned  pumpkin puree (not to be confused with canned pumpkin pie puree because they are in identical cans.) Mix those ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil.  Simmer for about five minutes until it reduces a bit. Let it cool, and strain it into a container. You can store it in the refrigerator for about a week.  I use In the Curious Kitchen Orange Bitters in this recipe.  It is so very delicious and perfect for the holidays.

Happy Fall Y’all and Cheers!



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