The Manhattan Cocktail
Manhattan Cocktail with 3 Boozy Cherries on bamboo pick
The history of The Manhattan is different depending on your sources. Clearly it has something to do with Manhattan, New York’s sophisticated borough, but that is where the story branches out. Most authorities say it was invented in the 1880s—give or take a few years—at New York’s Manhattan Club. Legend and lore say that Winston Churchill’s mother, the American-born Jennie Jerome Churchill also known as Lady Randolph Churchill, was responsible for the invention. Other people believe it was concocted for a political event. It may be a combination of both. I choose to believe the former because it just sounds more glamourous and a bit more mysterious. However it was invented, invented it was! It immediately became a sensation and caught on like wildfire. It is still a hot item long into the 20th century, and is always listed as one of the most popular cocktails.
I made one the other evening and shared it with my social media friends. I was just in a Manhattan kind of mood, I guess. Now do not fear…I am not giving up my perennial favorite The Old Fashioned, but it is good to switch it up every now and again. They are actually quite similar—a bit like fraternal twins. They have basically the same ingredients but they are oh so different. I really cannot explain it. The Manhattan is like The Old Fashioned’s sophisticated, hipper, and dare I say, sexier sister!
The one thing I like about The Manhattan, other than the fact that it is bourbon-based, is that it is a classic cocktail. One that has stood the test of time. It even made it through Prohibition! And unlike a lot of popular classic cocktails, the recipe has not deviated much for its original. It’s simple. Now The Manhattan has stirred up another controversy. Rye whiskey vs. Kentucky Bourbon? Purists will side with rye, but I like to use a spicier bourbon instead. Side by side, there isn’t a whole lot of difference, in my humble opinion.
The Manhattan recipe is standard using few ingredients. Liquor, sweet vermouth, bitters, and a cherry (or two or three.) Ordering a Perfect Manhattan simply means there is an equal part of sweet and dry vermouth, bourbon, bitters, and a cherry (or two or three.) In the Curious Kitchen offers its Boozy Cherries and Cherry or Orange Bitters (either will do!) and a lot of our fans swear by these ingredients for their Manhattan Cocktails.
Here's my recipe for The Manhattan Cocktail:
2 ounces bourbon (or rye) My favorite to use is Buffalo Trace and New Riff Rye Whiskey
½ ounce sweet vermouth
3 dashes Cherry or Orange Bitters
Boozy Cherries, to garnish.
Mix all ingredients, except the Boozy Cherries, in a cocktail shaker or a mixing glass filled with ice. You can either shake or stir (a topic for another debate!) Whichever way you mix it, be sure to mix it until it is thoroughly and completed chilled. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass (martini, coupe, or your favorite glass) and garnish with a Boozy Cherry (or two or three.)
It just does not get any easier than that!