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Summer Vegetable Recipes

I know I’ve said it a thousand times but it bears repeating: the farmers market is one of my favorite places. Especially when this season rolls around. A rainbow of colors hits you when you walk in and it just gets better week after week in the summer. All of my favorites are either in season now…or just about to enter peak season!

I don’t know about you but I can’t get enough vegetables in the steamy, sizzling summer months. I think it’s been this way all of my life. Even though we didn’t have a home garden when I was growing up, we always seemed to benefit from others who did. Lots of fresh green beans, cucumbers, squash, all shapes and sizes of peppers, and corn. I’m not forgetting about the tomatoes but I’m saving them for another day…they are just coming to perfection so stay tuned.

Today, I’m turning my curious attention to corn. A beautiful display caught my eye last week when I was visiting my local farmers market and I couldn’t resist. Now I must confess, corn isn’t exactly one of my favorites but for some reason, I had a “food memory” moment and my thoughts went back in time to my Mother’s delicious Corn Casserole. It made it into the “notebook” and I knew I had to try it for myself.

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