Pimento Cheese Grits

Elevate the everyday serving of grits by adding Pimento Cheese as they cook. The spices and mayonnaise that are a part of the pimento cheese recipe make for a creamy, delicious addition to a favorite Southern side dish. Top the grits with crispy bacon bits and sliced green onion for the added crunch and flavor.


3 cups chicken stock or water. I prefer stock.

3 cups whole milk

1/4 cup butter

1 and 1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt

1 and 1/2 cup quick grits

1 cup Pimento Cheese


  1. In a large pot add stock, milk, butter and salt. Bring to low boil over medium heat, stir frequently.

  2. Slowing pour in grits while stirring in with a whisk, turn heat down to low and whisk for one minute.

  3. Cover the pan with lid and stir with whisk every 4 minutes. The grits are done when they reach creamy consistency, 25 to 30 minutes.

  4. Once grits are creamy, stir in Pimento Cheese until combined, serve hot.

Yield: 6 servings

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Scrambled Eggs with Pimento Cheese


Henry Bain’s Sauce