
Drinks MK Hennigan Drinks MK Hennigan

Orange Champagne Cocktail

Champagne Cocktail with a curious twist.

Enjoying Champagne during the holidays makes this special time even more special. When I discovered that the Champagne cocktail was made with bitters I knew that I had to try it with my homemade orange bitters (stay tuned) and create my own curious twist. I always enjoy learning how to take an ingredient that was specific to my favorite bourbon cocktail, the Old Fashioned and use it in another classic. Champagne is not just for the holidays, you can treat yourself on those occasions when you college age child puts their dishes in the dishwasher, celebrate the simple things too. Cheers.

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Drinks MK Hennigan Drinks MK Hennigan

Manhattan Cocktail

Created in the 1870’s, the Manhattan Cocktail is a classic cocktail to have in your arsenal. Made with rye whiskey, Italian Vermouth and bitter, the Manhattan should be served in your prettiest cocktail glass.

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Drinks MK Hennigan Drinks MK Hennigan

Old Fashioned Cocktail

Experience the allure of bourbon in its purest form – smooth, complex, and bursting with character. Our Old Fashioned celebrates the distinctive notes of caramel, oak, and spice that define this beloved spirit, echoing the proud tradition of Kentucky's distilling legacy. With a hint of sweetness and a dash of aromatic bitters, every sip is a symphony of flavor that lingers on the palate.

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